August 31, 2005
Blog Day.
So, I think that Blog Day is a really good idea and that good will come of it. But I am not really sure that I know about a lot of blogs that everyone who reads this does not also know about. But you know, I's gots a few, so I won't be stingy. Here are my five, in no particular order, just in the order they came off of my FireFox bookmarks when I looked for them.
Timberlines -- Pencil royalty. This is a very new but also very well-done blog by a nice guy whose living is making pencils. What more could you ask for? He's also gotten himself some nice Moleskines recently and a hidden talent for drawing, so I know we're in for some treats.
Front Porch Living -- Deliciously impish blog by Neighbor Girl who is from my hometown, of all places. If you don't get the title at first, watch a nice John Waters movie and notice how everyone in Baltimore likes to sit on their porch or steps or stoop. The newest post is called "At least I'm rockin the cleavage," so you know you're in for some good reading.
That Shadow My Likeness -- Alcarwen kicks ass because she is also from Maryland and because we went to the same college that I did, though I can't say that we ever met. Her boyfriend does look familiar, though. Good graduate student blogs are really hard to come by, and this one definitely qualifies.
Slimbolala -- Great stories and drawings, and a nice guy who, luckily, got out of New Orleans before Katrina hit. Been a steady reader for a full month or two now.
Criminently, Nutsey! -- The brain behind Notes to Netflix. And a pencil fan, to boot.
August 29, 2005
Aliens and lazers.

There most certainly is intelligent life out there from other planets. When I go to the store in Hick-land (where I live), the rednecks tell me, "You don't look like you're from around here, bo-ah." I say, "I'm not. I'm from the East Coast." They say, "I can tell." Then I tell the rednecks that I am not from the East Coast but am actually a spy from another planet, "Uh, Jasper, I'm from another galaxy, brother," I say, but they always think I'm joking. "That queer-looking sissy bo-ah from the ocean state says he ain't from around here, and he means it, by golly! Bubba, get me ma gun." Then the rednecks make fun of me for my educational pursuits, for the fact that I voted for Kerry but still love my country and because they think I look gay and and think that gay people are either evil or funny. So I get upset and send a message to my home planet to come and get me. Because I'm not finished with my work here (that being to study Western philosophy in an attempt to get to the true nature of what it means to be human so that we can figure you all out before we take over the universe and everything in it), the elders of my planet refuse to come and get me. This is very annoying, since the Earth body they picked for me is too large and hairy, and it's hot in the Bible Belt. So I beam the elders back an official letter of complaint. In order to shut me up, they do allow me seven lazer obliterations after this. So I hunt down the redneck who made fun of where I come from and displayed an apalling homophobia, and I use one beam on his fat ass. One on the rest of him. Three on his huge pickup trick. One on his tractor and another on his mailbox, just because that's funny. This makes me feel better, so I can stay here and complete my mission. I'm patriotic. I work hard for my planet and our cause of interplanetary conquest. Okay, intergalactic conquest. I do get paid a lot of alien bucks for my work from the elders, but I can't use it on this planet. You humans and your lowly plastic and paper money. Damn you. So yeah, I believe in aliens. I ain't from around here.Thanks to "Sgt. Slaughter" for letting me share his story with you. But, between you and I, I think he might really be from another planet. Seriously. That dude is scary.
August 27, 2005
Cameras, boredom and boogies.

August 26, 2005
Photo Friday: Chaos.

This is a photo of my two brothers that I took in the reflection of Tom's Focus while I was in Baltimore for the holidays in December 2003. In fact, I think that's Christmas.
Why chaos? Come on. They look like punks, especially with that spray paint behind them on the wall. They look like they are getting ready to steal my new camera that I had just gotten that day. Or my kidneys. Even in their p.j.'s. Especially in their p.j.'s.
August 25, 2005
Let them eat evil!

"I went to the French lycee in Los Angelos, and, like every high school student in the French school system, I studied the work of 19th-century poet Charles Baudelaire. At 15, the height of brooding and dark self-discovery, I recited his poems by heart and thrilled to the exotic language, filled with taboo ideas and strange metaphors involving death and decay. It's a must-read for any depressed adolescent."Wow. Personally, I hit the adolescent nadir all through the ages of 15-17 and only came to be a little (very) more sunny when I got to college. I did my duty and read my Poe constantly when I was a teenager. I memorized several of his poems, and I can still recite "The Raven" if I've had enough to drink. A friend of mine tells me that she knows someone who had her life saved by Poe, by realizing that "there was at least one more fucked up person out there" and that her dark thoughts did not necessarily kick her out of the herd of the rest of us. But I still don't think I'd actually recommend this stuff to depressed teenagers. Look what reading too much Poe did to me: I'm a philosophy student. The sad little dudes should read their Whitman. Uncle Walt can save the day. Or if they really want to read the French, they should read Rimbaud between math and lunch. Totally. Though for you grown-ups, you should read Baudelaire's Paris Spleen. That's yummy stuff.
August 23, 2005
Sorry I'm so lazy.

August 19, 2005
Photo Friday: One.
This is my friend Chris' hand coming through a tree that we found which sports a hole on both ends. We each took some shots through the tree, with the background in focus and with the tree in focus. But I like this one for Photo Friday: One.
Take that, stupid exams!

August 18, 2005
I'm sure that the topic du jour in a lot of circles today will be the "Flag" button that Blogger has added to the Nav Bar. I don't have a Nav Bar, since formerly ad-free blogs don't have to display them. (Yup, I rock that much.)
This whole thing would, at first stink of the kind of all-out censorship that MSN applies to blogs hosted there.
But come on, this is Blogger we're talking about here, one of the pioneers of that fact that every cool cat and complete moron can publish his or her thoughts on the internet. Are we really gonna believe that Blogger is going to start censoring us? Read on in the article. They are not going to delete anyone's content or account except for those annoying spam blogs. It sounds like the whole point of the new Flag button is to get rid of the spam blogs. Yes, they are not wild about hate speech and the like, but I'm not either, and you know you'd never see actual hate speech here in the first place. Hate speech is sometimes viewed as not protected by the First Amendment anyway, and Blogger still won't delete it automatically.
So I don't think this is cause for worry, but rather cause to be happy that Blogger pays attention to the annoying things people use Blogger for and will stop the "Enhanced Bust Made Easy" and "Real Estate for $5" blogs. I for one plan to spent an hour or two today hitting "Next Blog" and flagging every spam blog I can find as a "Thank You" to Blogger for making itself better for us all.
August 16, 2005
Prelims update.
Not sure I killed the metaphysics and epistemology section yesterday, but I certainly kicked it down and made it cry. I did forget some details about Aristotle's Unmoved Mover (stupid mistake), but I doubt they'll fail me for that. I got that sumbitch finished first and ran away from the room. I also finished with my sanity moderately intact, which is always a good thing I guess.
Oh yeah. They're nice, but don't take an exam with a Flair. Even if what you're writing has to be copied so that you can't use a pencil. Eighteen pages with that, and your hands are black. While it comes right off the paper (!), it won't come right off your hands, no matter how much afternoon beer you drink or how much you yell at it. I tried.
Tomorrow's exam is on ethics, political gear and aesthetics, the latter two being some of my weak points. So doing some more prelims kicking again will depend on what kinds of questions they throw out. Until I get that paper, it's still not clear if I will be able to kick that thing while it's down or if it will pull me down and eat my leg. I hope the former. I'm too tired to study anymore, and I am, as it were, incredibly attached to my leg. Both of them.
August 14, 2005
Blog Bowman.
August 12, 2005
Photo Friday: Violet.
For Photo Friday: Violet.
There is not really any violet in this scene, but there is a blue train and a red train. With a very slow shutter speed, their colors mixed into a purplish blue. There you go: Violet.
I'm surprised that I don't have any more photos with the color violet in them. That's strange.
August 10, 2005
Cram that, sucka.
Back from cramming my head full of texts and notes. Now I have three days to connect and remember all that crammed gear and one day to relax the brain and do finger exercises (exam is hand-written).
How tired all of this is making me is causing me to wonder about my own abilities, however.
I've never really felt that it's all that important to impress colleagues and classmates with my supposed knowledge of philosophical texts. I mean, haven't all of us philosophy students read and understood Plato for crapsake? Name-dropping about what one has read has always been a turn-off for me. I certainly know some people who care so much about people thinking they are smart/well-read/superior to the rest of us that they really go around acting like total jackasses.
Most of us got out of that crap before the end of our first semester of graduate school, when we realized that eveyone has read what we've read and is just as capable, for the most part. I know one person (not in my department) who wants me in particular to feel stupid in his glorified presence, to the point where I really want to run him over with the Focus. It pains him to no end to find out that I have one more year of a graduate fellowship and I've read the same books he has and understand them as well as he does but then don't waste my time letting everyone know about it. "What's the point of reading this stuff if we're not going to talk about it every frickin second like we are philosophers first and people second?" seems to be his credo. I like to think that his hopes that I am not as smart as he is will be crushed like the Diet Coke can I just recycled.
When I get old and write my opus, I'll dedicate it to this academic punk-kid. What does Baudelaire say?
A man goes pistol-shooting, accompanied by his wife. He sets up a doll and says to his wife: "I shall imagine that this is you." He closes his eyes and shatters the doll. Then he says, as he kisses his companion's hand, "Dear angel, let me thank you for my skill!" (Intimate Journals, pg. 37.)Sorry for the violent imagery. But I'm gonna write me a nice doll one day and send it to this person with a picture of me. The picture's caption will say, "Ha ha. You're a tool. Call me, and we'll do lunch." Seriously, though, doing little else lately but philosophy shouldn't really exhaust my little ole brain like this, I think. At least, I hope it should. Because it does. I feel like someone hit me with a shovel, possibly the one I wanna smack that dude with sometimes.
August 08, 2005
Moldy thoughts.

August 04, 2005
Wiggity biggity boo.

August 03, 2005
Minor frying of the brain.
I got up at 7:30 today (yeah, that's early for me) and got right to work on the paper for my summer research project on Thoreau's pragmatism and Scheler's sacrifice and then studied for my prelims. It's been an all day/night adventure. I'm convinced that I've fried my brain like a wok full of snowpeas. I swear that my head is even hot to the touch, regardless of only sporting 1/8 of an inch of hair this summer. The brain can barely get my chubby little fingers to type, so I'm sorry you don't get a photo tonight. I'll get some to you, dudes, honest.
August 02, 2005
Blurry bike.
August 01, 2005
Later, Morris.

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