July 29, 2005
Photo Friday: Somber.

July 28, 2005
Leave it to Chris.

July 26, 2005
Too hot to bike, Chris.

July 24, 2005
Here comes Chris.

July 22, 2005
Photo Friday: Attractive.

July 21, 2005
Pencil Revolution.

July 19, 2005
I've been called brutish, boorish, bookish and bothersome. I know that I don't hold my fork properly, and I don't always stand when a lady enters a room. I've been known to swear constantly and to walk around the department sans footwear, not to mention my liberal use of the horn while driving.
My parents taught me certain manners that I still try to practice. I'm only 25, so this can't be some super old-fashioned thing. I cannot accept that the fact that I say please and thank you and good morning is some antediluvian pseudo-chivalry. Or that expecting other people to do the same is being snobbish.
I've blogged about people's manners before, and I know that there have been some recent stories in the news saying that uber-busy families take classes now to learn manners. So forgive me for not being comprehensive, comprehensible or compliant.
One of the first things that struck me when I moved to the "Heartland" is how nice people here can be, despite their questionable manners. In Boston, I was moved by people's generally good manners, but chilly dispositions. I know it's unfair to make such generalizations, since two or three Bostonians took their noses out of their books on the subway to chat with a Southerner on occasion during my two-year sojourn in Beantown. And I know that some nice gentlemen around here have been more than polite to me on numerous occasions. I'm just saying is all.
Like I said, despite the fact that people around here will cut you off in traffic and butt in front of you at Panera Bread, they are nice. And they do display the most basic manners at times. When I hold the door for someone at Panera Bread, they do thank me before they cut in front of me in line two minutes later, lol. Small kids say excuse me and thank you all the time around here. I think the lapses in manners come from self-absorption, rather than selfishness.
So what kind of scummy, bratty, selfish, jackass of a person does it take to have the worse manners a person can have? I mean, when someone shares something with you that was shared with them, through taking the time to do what it takes to transmit this information, what do you do? When they give it to you, do you say nothing, "Good," or "Thank you"?
Come on.
When you leave a room that contains people you know, you say "Bye" when you leave. Why is this not obvious? When you enter a room with someone you know, you say "Hello" or some such. I should prove what an ass you are and not say "Howdy" to you next time you come into the room. I'll bet you won't greet me or anyone else.
Better yet. Don't come around. Now that I think of it, your specific brand of rudeness comes not from a lack of manners but from a lapse of human decency. Lacking the basics like greetings and thank you's is beyond a matter of manners and is an indication of a deeper flaw. You are indecent. I said it.
But you don't read this blog, so I'm typing into space. Because you don't how to get to this blog. Because, although I try hard all the time to like you, I don't really like you that much, and I never told you the address, even though you've asked me for it several times. Because you're not as smart as you want us all to think you are and cannot find it on your own. Because your rudeness comes from a sour core that I can't do anything about and really don't feel like dealing with anymore.
July 18, 2005

July 16, 2005
Back in the fall, an old family friend passed away. She was an independent woman, especially considered where and when she lived. I really wish that I had gotten to know her more while she was alive; I've had dreams about that several times since her passing. The truth is that I didn't even know her well enough to know that she was a philosopher! A trip to her house to document her possessions, via digital camera, for some legal purposes that I don't understand (I just shot the photos) in November is worth its own post, to be sure.
But tonight I just want to post this scan from the vintage portable Olympia typewriter that I have inherited from her. I think she would have liked blogging. We know that she learned to use the internet and used computers at her local library, despite writing her book on her manual typewriter. So this is M.T.'s introduction to the blogging community.

July 15, 2005
Photo Friday: Silky.
A spider spinning a web out back of my apartment one night last week, after a thunderstorm took his old one down. The web and the spider are gone, now, though. A new family of birds moved into my birdhouse, and I'm pretty sure they ate Mr. Spider here. At least, his web is gone, and he's nowhere in sight.
July 14, 2005

July 13, 2005
Nilometer. Noun. 1)An instrument for measuring the flooding of the Nile. 2) Word that has twice popped up in reading today, once in Thoreau and once online.
Is this portentous, given the constant rain this week? I'd best practice my backstroke.
July 12, 2005
Pilot G2.
You know, I spend too much time, energy, thought and money on pens and pencils. I've literally stayed up at night thinking about them. Woken up from dreams about them. Spaced out while driving thinking about them. I generally try to keep that off of this blog because, well, no one likes people to think they're crazy. I've failed to be silent about it in the past, and I fear that the present is no exception.
For no reason, really, I picked up my stash of Pilot G2s today. Well, there was a reason. Using a wooden pencil to take notes in the margins of my LOA Thoreau books we getting on my nerves, regardless of my love for cedar pencils. The G2 pencils are the best mechanical pencils I've ever personally used, and they always lead me back to what I love about G2s. Too many greater minds and superior writers have written about the glories of the G2 online for me to really have the need or the desire to insert my own two cents into the search results via Google, for the like-minded folks who might want to know who uses G2s, and what they do with them.
The never-ending rain slowed down for a bit early this afternoon, so I popped out to get a pack of the new G2 colors, mostly just to get the dark red to write with in the autumn, which seems like forever away. We don't have the blue/black in the US, I've been told. Dang. Not only that, but we don't get the new G2 Pixie/XS anytime that I can find out (if you know, please tell me). I had hoped to see them in the US early this year, but Pilot must not like us very much in the states. The only place I can find that will sell these online that looks reputable enough to buy from won't ship outside of the UK. Double dang.
It's no secret that an alarmingly high percentage of Moleskiners have a thing for G2s. A little crush. So it's not like I'm being original.
I don't know why I felt like I had to ramble on about this today. Isn't posting about useless stuff just to post something akin to a deadly sin of blogging? And isn't it also a Thoreavian's sin to put down a wooden pencil on Thoreau's birthday? (Let alone being obsessed with stupid pens on Henry's birthday.) Goodness. I need to read some Thoreau and Hemingway tonight to convince myself that I'm more than the pens and pencils I own, though that amount is considerable and daunting.
July 10, 2005
Hurricane Dennis.

July 08, 2005
Photo Friday: Candid.
For Photo Friday: Candid.
I have thousands (literally) of candid photos (obviously), but I want to get one on quickly before bed. This is an elderly man with his bike in Paducah, Kentuchy, at the confluence of the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers. April 2004. He looked even more relaxed in person. I just really like the vibe surrounding him and had to take a photo.
July 06, 2005
Moleskine proselytizing.

July 03, 2005
Selfishly sad.

July 01, 2005
Photo Friday: Used.

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