January 30, 2005
Uni-ball Vision.

January 28, 2005
P&G to Purchase Gillette.
I know I'm not exactly the type of person who reports on, or even follows, business news. Truth is, I could usually care less. I have close to $100,000 in student loan debt (not including my wife's debt); I don't own any stock; money is something I don't like to think about much.
But Procter and Gamble is purchasing Gillette, and that's bad news. See, I am one of those bunny-hugging vegetarians who won't buy products which are tested on animals or made by companies who test on animals* (this approach is actually not that difficult, once you do some research). For razors, I used products made by The American Safety Razor Company, gear that is hard to find and which is not exactly up to the standards of Gillette of Schick in terms of comfort. Low and behold, Gillette puts a moratorium on its animal testing, and my friend is right: we should support them so that they make the ban permanent. So I switched to Gillette razors, to the joy of my face and neck.
Procter and Gamble is one of the few companies left that actually still engages in animal testing. Check the big lists; the "Do No Test" list is multiple times larger than the "Do Test" list. But put aside whether animal testing is ethical, whether it's cost-effective, whether it makes more sense to use high-tech replicated human tissue like some companies use at times (because animal testing is not entirely reliable). The bottom line is that, if you think about animal testing and feel very strongly about it, it's back to less comfortable shaving (or a less comfortable conscience) for now. The good news is that Bic has a moratorium now, and I suspect their gear might be superior to the ASRCo, not to mention much easier to find.
I attended a very good lecture yesterday where I saw a professor in the department whom I admire. He has grown one hell of a thick and hearty winter beard, and I was thinking of growing my customary "winter beard" around now, given that I haven't cut those whiskers in days. I suppose that the business world has helped me to decide to sport my red beard for a few weeks or months now.
*[This is not a "principle" that I necessarily want to see universalized per se. I think I do a decent job of not judging people for which companies they buy from. I just got back from Wal-Mart myself.]
January 26, 2005
If you are a fellow Moleskine aficionado and are a loyal reader of Moleskinerie [and if not, shame on you:)], be sure to check out Journalisimo, the blog dedicated to the preservation of analog culture. It's put together by Armand Frasco and Mike Rhode, creator of Moleskinerie and talented graphic designer, respectively. Also be sure to check out their other blogs, on the sidebar over yonder. I've read both for some time and always find something rich and enjoyable to read and admire.
Microsoft and blogging.
In case some folks read their blogs from under some rocks somewhere, I thought I'd pass along some reviews/news regarding Microsoft's new blogging software, MSN Spaces. Everyone seems like they started talking about it and then forgot. Such is techno-culture, I suppose.
Washington Post
Guardian Unlimited
Of course, I have registered for the PRAGMATIK space already, just in case the real version is a thousand times better than the beta is. I have screwed up though, and I registered under my main email account (i.e., the one that is myfullname@msn.com). I'm not wild about that, in case I have some crazed Conservative or philosophy hater come after me. But whatever. It's not like it's that hard to find out who I really am anyway. It's not like it's a secret or like I'm a spy.
Aside from the radically limiting nature of the MSN software, however, I may have found a reason not to make the switch anytime soon: "content moderation" -- the best way to say "censorship" I have heard in my life. But, then again, for all I know, Blogger might have the same thing in their terms of service, but I was too lazy to actually read them. But, then again (again), I can't really see the creators of the "Google Image Search" (more porn, faster) censoring the folks who use their blogging software, namely, Blogger. I don't actually exercise my particular brand of dirty language on my blog (and I sometimes make up for that behind the wheel), but it would be nice to know that I could if I wanted to. Geez.
How much porn does Microsoft enable people to bring into their homes each day, via their PC revolutions? So long as it's not on the msn.com domain -- right.
January 25, 2005
Hours and hours.

January 24, 2005
New toys and working.

January 22, 2005
Unexpected snow.

January 21, 2005
Happy Birthday.
January 19, 2005
Happy happy.

January 17, 2005
Return home.

January 14, 2005
Bad philosophy joke.

*[Sorry the photo of Brian and I is dark; my photo-editing software is on my computer in Illinois, not that I ever use it, really. And I didnt' shoot that photo, anyway:)]
January 12, 2005
Tired and all IKEA-ed out.

January 09, 2005
Steve Zissou.

January 06, 2005
Calling all fans of "La Femme Nikita."
I signed up months ago with Amazon.com to be notified if and when the second season of "La Femme Nikita" would be released on DVD. Apparently, it was released a while back and then recalled because some of the discs didn't work or something like that. Anyway, I woke up sick this morning, but with very good news in my inbox: on March 15th, it's out. And you can pre-order on Amazon.com. As a bonus, it's way way way less expensive than the first season was, too. Delicious.
January 05, 2005
Remember that trip to New York?

January 02, 2005
Vital 2004.

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