September 07, 2005

Little sharpy.

While I am very sad to retire my Powershot A60, I am very happy with the A520. But there's so much pressure to make the first A520 photo a good one. Of something important or at least significant. Nothing comes to mind. I'm an unimportant little dude who sees unimportant little things all day long and who thinks unimportant thoughts like about the meaning of human existence and what we can know. You know, that old chestnut. But behold, something very important. I have this little sharpy in my pocket more or less whenever I am away from my cozy (read: air conditioned) little apartment. It comes in handy. And I can't find this particular model for sale online anywhere, and have only found them in Baltimore. I always but a handful when I can, and I usually give them all away, so this one is special. I just used it to sharpen some nice and expensive German pencils. Yeah. I am just that interesting.

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