August 31, 2004
Birthday pie.

August 30, 2004
So nice.
Nicola is so sweet:)
I have been spending my birthday in my grand style of doing nothing. I didn't go into my office at the university. I didn't crack a book. I didn't shave. I didn't cook. I didn't do any housework. Nothing. It's my favorite way to spend my birthday. More coffee and the movie I always watch on my birthday, Amelie, later. Going out and getting drunk or getting into bed with a stranger are never ways that have occured to me of spending one's birthday. But to each hers or his own. I'm sure I'm guilty of cultivating the laziest birthdays on the planet.
August 29, 2004
Being an ass.

August 28, 2004
August 27, 2004
"My So-Called Life."
Paige reports that"My So-Called Life," our favorite 90s angst show is returning to the air. Unfortunately for me, it's on cable, the Family Channel. In an effort to watch less television, we don't have cable. We make up for it by purchasing dozens and dozens and dozens of DVDs. But now, I want cable.
August 26, 2004
August 25, 2004
Sugarbowl: A tribute to Mr. Roland.

August 23, 2004
The Killers.
We bought a coffee-maker in Baltimore.* Low and behold, the damned thing didn't work. So we exchanged it tonight. As we pulled into the parking lot, the song I have had in my head lately came on, and I finally found out who performs it: The Killers. We picked up their album. It's...(get ready)....killer. Really, check out the samples on Amazon, and see what you think. "Somebody Told Me" is their current single. It's a good record. You heard it here first.
*[We have not had a normal coffee-maker in two years, as our five French presses have reigned. For multiple morning cups, however, we need something that keeps the coffee hot. More on the new toy later.]
More birthdays.
August 21, 2004
Updates and crack.
My sincerest and severest apologies for the lack of updates lately. My trist in Baltimore has been much more busy than I thought it would be. No car wrecks this time, but there was a death in the family. Maybe I shouldn't jinx Maryland anymore.
I visited my old Polish grandmother yesterday, where she lives in Canton: a very posh and expensive neighborhood near the water in Baltimore city. The real-estate there is so hot that folks call her weekly to see if she'll sell her house. My grandmother's fat little poodle has a thing for Burger King french fries, so we went there to get some, a little after the lunch-time rush. A dingy-looking chap comes in and approaches a slightly-less-dingy man who is sitting with a woman eating his lunch. The dingy character gives the man something wrapped in a Burger King receipt, and the man gives him a small vial of crack. Rather than putting it in his pocket, the dingy crack-head holds it up to look at it. He then grabs a cup from the trash can, fills it with soda and leaves, crack in hand, smiling (I guess smoking crack makes you thirsty).
Weird. So much for one of the yuppies' (not Bobos') favorite "new" neighborhoods.
August 17, 2004
Fort McHenry.

Blogging from Baltimore, part II.
I have tons and tons of photos to post from Fort McHenry in Baltimore and from Rehoboth Beach in Deleware. Tons tons tons. Promise to post them shortly. Going to IKEA tomorrow!
August 12, 2004
Blogging from Baltimore, part I.

August 09, 2004
Happy Birthday, Walden.

August 08, 2004
Writing by hand, redux.
I sent my first email in the late spring semester of my junior year as an undergraduate, April 2000. At Goucher, we all had email addresses and a postbox and voicemail and such. I even had classes wherein I was required to check my school email address daily, but it was understood by most of my professors that I did not use personal computers (to say that I never used computers at all is, of course, false – I flew to Boston frequently on a plane that depended on computers for everything but taking off and landing, had a computer in my stereo, benefitted from computerized everything in a modern American city, etc.). For the first two years of college, despite my friends scratching their heads, I wrote all of my papers by hand and typed them the long way on an electric typewriter. I was never a very good typist, and typing a five-seven page paper literally took me from the mid-afternoon to the late evening.
I know, that IBM typewriter was not the simple contraption of yore, any more than a gel pen is a quill pen. But something in that writing process made my writing infinitely better than it is now. My parents made me take a laptop away to college my junior year, but I resisted the internet/email devil until late that spring. I began to compose on the computer, as I began to be able to actually type ten pages in one sitting, and the quality of my writing just seemed to go away. Almost five years later, I was still telling myself that my writing would pick up, that I would get back in the swing of things.
My paper for my research project this summer was less than great, certainly not what I hoped it would be. I noticed that my writing has lost its compactness and has become corpulent. So, I thought for a while about getting a typewriter last week, since I can now type on a computer faster than I can write by hand and since the right amount of caffeine can help my digits keep up with my brain. But simply typing slower might not be the answer. The terseness with which I used to be able to write essays on Nietzsche and Sartre would have made Hemingway proud. There was a time when I could be compact, clear and consistent. Perhaps the way to get back to where my writing was is to write more by hand, not to get a typewriter or to act as if the ability to write better philosophy papers will just magically come back to me one day.
It probably has nothing to do with a magical intimacy between the writer’s brain and the pen or pencil on paper. I’m sure that, for me, it has more to do with the fact that I learned how to put what is in my head on paper, not on a screen. And, in college, I had a system worked out that started with writing everything out. I never even tried to replace my system with a better one when I switched to computers. I seem to have expected the same results with a different approach. That doesn’t make any sense, does it?
So, my resolution for the upcoming fall semester is to write more by hand, even though I’m a poor speller and even though it will take much, much longer to write papers. Too bad, though, that I am through with my course requirements for the PhD (no more required classes, that is) after this fall’s semester. What was it that the Romans used to say, “The owl of Minerva flies at midnight”?
August 06, 2004
Is cursive writing obsolete?

August 05, 2004
Off for two weeks.

August 04, 2004
100th post.

August 02, 2004
Bass in your face.

Happy Birthday to someone in Baltimore.
Today is the XXth birthday of the person whom I admire and aspire to be like more than any of my other heroes, such as Thoreau, W. James, Hemingway, etc. He is also the man to whom my aspiration will undoubtedly and inevitably fall the shortest.
Not many of people I know who are in their mid-twenties like their parents a whole lot – or, at least, few of them would be willing to admit it to themselves, let alone on the internet. Regardless, I unabashedly wish my father a very Happy Birthday today, even though I live 850 miles away.
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