November 30, 2004
A sick return.

November 26, 2004
Going to Gettysburg.
Headed to Gettysburg today, for the tradition Day After Thanksgiving Get Away From Shopping Escape. All apologies for the sudden silence. Holidays and all that. Photos of the battlefield and assorted Pennsylvania goodies.
November 24, 2004
Badges, we don't...you know.

November 23, 2004
New Mustang.
November 18, 2004
Home home home.
Leaving at dawn for Baltimore, my hometown, to celebrate the holiday and to see family and friends from the coast. Stay tuned for some goodies from the city. A family member has a new Mustang that is coming in this weekend from being ordered and built, just in time for her birthday. If you haven't seen the 2005 Mustang yet, check it out.
November 17, 2004
Daydreaming: Not so bad?

November 14, 2004
Return of The Darkness.

November 13, 2004
Baby got back.
At the rist of sounding piggish, the possible consequences of this just make me so happy that I think I'll finish my coffee and do a little dance before I head out to our conference today: "Big-Bottomed Mannequins Boost Profile in New York."
November 11, 2004
DSL is rad.

November 10, 2004
Reaching across lines.
Despite the differences in our political views, I heartily recommend this post from Fray Dog. He's right. We all need to reach out. Leaving for Canada (or France, or Germany, or Australia, etc.) at this point really doesn't make any sense. And so long as Pat Robertson and company are not in power any more than they are, leaving is really the cowards' way out. For now. Ask me in five years, and, if the Christian Right weilds more power (which I doubt and which can't be very desirable for anyone in either party who is not some zealous nutjob), and you may have to find me far far away. Now, though, is the time to reach across those lines and work something out. We have a hell of a mess to clean up in Iraq and plenty of other work to do.
Okay, no more politics from me for a while. I don't usually rant like this.
Oh, but one more thing that I can't resist. Good riddance Mr. Ashcroft.
Thank you, and goodnight.
November 07, 2004
The Taliban is evil because they are a group of religious nuts who do mean things like kill people and bomb stuff. We like to think of them as nuts -- not evangelists or even zealots -- because they don't love Jesus. They took over a country/region and then condemned everyone who failed to conform to their wacked-out beliefs. They took away some people's rights just because of who they are.
But it's perfectly fine for Americans to do it, so long as such facists (ah, the F-word!) like James Dobson are "good Christians" and are looking out for our kids and the "sanctity of marriage"? I dont' hold any degrees in linguistics or philology or etymology, but does "sanctity" mean "for some, and we get to choose who"? Why are we handing over control of our country to religious nuts, some of whom used to be drunks (i.e., Dubbya himself) and are thereby supposed to somehow understand Jesus more?
I've heard the argument made that our country was "founded" on "Christian principles." I'm damned sick of getting emails (from people who know my religious tendencies) which argue that we should have prayer -- Christian prayer -- at everything from public schools in Massachusetts to NFL games, because "most" of us are Christian, and everyone else is as free to shut up their ears as some are to pray that their team wins over the public address system. Anyone who claims that our country was founded on explicitely Christian principles has simply never taken the time to read our nation's founding documents. The fact that some of the first crazies over here from Europe were fanatical Christians and that the Founding Fathers were Christians does not mean that our country was founded on Christian principles. Read the Constitution for crapsakes.
Patrick Leahy hates God's people? And? What does that have to do with the US Senate? Who the hell are God's people? The Taliban thinks it's them. But no, we say, they don't even believe in Jesus! Jesus! It's up to James Dobson and that bastard leprechaun Pat Robertson to tell us how we manage to be right about being God's people and that everyone else is wrong and that a US Senator can hate God's people and manage to fool everyone and get elected by the God's people that he hates and that is why he is evil and that Bush is a hero for bombing people to death and destroying an entire nation but that Bin Laden is an evil terrorist sent by the Devil himself for doing a very similar thing. Geez, these guys have a lot of work to do? What are they doing on television and the internet?
Osama says, "Terrorist? Bigot? Evil? Hold the fuck up. I know you are, but what am I?"
I have nothing against Christians or Muslims or atheists or anyone else, just because of what they believe or don't believe. While people like the Family Guy and the Leprechaun give a lot of good Christians a bad name and while killers like Bin Laden give lovely muslims a bad name, I like to think I am capable of seeing that such haters and bigots are the exception and not the rule. I never said the contrary, nor did I imply it. So don't tell me that I hate God's people please. I love most of God's people, really, sucka.

November 05, 2004
Photo Friday: Radiant.

November 04, 2004
Finally cold enough for shoes.

November 02, 2004
Tired of watching the poll results?

DSL, baby.

November 01, 2004
Later, October.

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