It seemed, at three this morning, that one of the gnomes on my desk looked like me, but with a whiter beard. And smaller, of course. It was like looking into a tiny mirror that made me appear as a two-inch desk ornament fifty years older than I am. Okay, so it wasn’t like a mirror. Funny though.
I’ve made a new link to your site from my site. One day you are going to need to shave buddy and show that pretty face!!!!
By Bowman on 02.09.06 11:48 am
i kill you! no man may show pictures of mohammed and live! this is not haram! you die!
By Saltation on 02.10.06 2:56 pm
I am pretty prophetic, though. Portentous at the very least;)
By Pragmatik on 02.10.06 10:04 pm
I think everybody should be covered with as much hair as possible. Oh, wait … it’s fur I like, not hair. There’s a difference, I guess.
By Nancy on 02.12.06 8:47 am
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