April 01, 2005

Photo Friday: Hot.

For this week's Photo Friday challenge, Hot. I know what you're thinking: What is so hot about pencil shavings? Well, do you know how hot manually sharpening that many pencils makes a person who has a full French press of coffee in them? If not, do this. Get yourself a Bodum pot (8-cup model) full of French roast. Quickly, sharpen 24 Prismacolor pencils with a nice little KUM sharpener. You'll know, and you'll appreciate it and the smells and tastes and textures. And you'll sweat. Because you will get hot.


Anonymous said...

haha! love the post. i stumbled on your site from 'photo friday'

Pragmatik said...

Awesome, thanks for stopping by:)

lucidity said...

Electric Sharpener.

Pragmatik said...

AH! Those things are murder to art pencils! They are designed more for writing pencils, but I don't even use mine at all for those. They eat all my lovely cedar up.
Something very satisfying about the manual method;)